Replacing the Display of a Xiegu X5105

Some time ago I bought a second-hand Xiegu X5105, which is 100% functional, but had a small flaw. It was a rather unsightly but hardly annoying dark line in the bottom right-hand corner of the LCD:


I ordered a replacement display directly from the UK, which wasn’t exactly cheap. As the display error didn’t really bother me, I put off replacing it for a long time. But now the time had come.

To replace the display, the X5105 has to be practically completely dismantled. Firstly, the two side panels with the fold-out feet have to be removed. These are attached with 4 screws each.

The side covers underneath are also fastened with 4 screws each and must also be removed. Now it is immediately clear how cramped the Xiegu is:


The base cover, to the inside of which the battery is attached, is then removed first by loosening the 4 screws on the underside and then with 2 screws each on the front and back:


After loosening the heat sink on the back using the 3 screws, you can lift the PCB sandwich out of the housing and turn it over:


The rubber button mat is simply lifted upwards:


The next two pictures show the inner workings of the transceiver:



The following picture shows the PCB sandwich from the rear. I have already removed the old display. To do this, the ribbon cable must first be pulled out of a socket between the top board and the board below. Furthermore, the two connections for the LED illumination of the display must be desoldered. The display is glued to the PCB and in my case broke when I removed it.


To install the new display, the ribbon cable must first be plugged into the socket with a great deal of patience and locked in place with a screwdriver. Then solder the two contacts of the lighting and glue the display to the PCB.

An initial test shows that the new display works, but has a dead line. Yay.


After a moment of total self-control, it’s back to the assembly. Firstly, I removed the old heat-conducting paste with Isoprobynol and then applied fresh paste.


In the end, I was able to reassemble the transceiver without any further problems and marvel at the new display error:
