USB-C Charger for the MD-(UV)380/RT3(S)/GD-77

In order to reduce my travelling luggage, to be able to charge my Retevis RT3S even in the event of a power failure and basically to standardise the charging of devices, I have been looking around for a suitable solution. I came across the following design on Thingiverse: TYT MD380 , UV380 , Retevis RT3 RT3S USB charger. As the description is a bit sparse, I’ll try to document my build here.

First I downloaded and printed the three STL files “Charger”, “Insert” and “Cover”. Then I took two relatively thick cables, stripped about 10mm of insulation and pushed them from behind into the printed part “Insert” through the two holes up to the insulation.

I then fixed the cables in place with hot glue:

The prepared component was then glued into the printed part “Charger” with superglue. Once the glue had hardened, I cut the wires to length and soldered them to the 2S 2A USB-C charger PCB:

The board fitted into the “Charger” component with just a little filing and held firmly without glue.

I then drilled a small hole in the last of the parts, the “Cover”, at the level of the two LEDs on the board and glued it to the “Charger”. The result looks like this: