- Migrating from Bear Blog to Hugo

I’ve written the following small Python script to migrate a Bear Blog to Hugo:

import csv
import os

with open('post_exports.csv') as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
    os.makedirs("./pages", exist_ok = True)
    os.makedirs("./posts", exist_ok = True)
    for row in csv_reader:
        dir = ""
        if row[11] == "True":
            dir = "pages/"
            dir = "posts/"
        with open(dir + row[4]+'.md', 'w') as post:
            publish = row[9]
            if publish == 'False':
                draft = "true"
                draft = "false"
            post.write("slug = '" + row[4] + "'\n")
            post.write("title = '" + row[3] + "'\n")
            post.write("date = " + row[6] + "\n")
            post.write("draft = " + draft + "\n")
            post.write("tags = " + row[8] + "\n")

It’s not really sophisticated but it does the job. Here’s all you need to know:

  • Create a new directory, e.g. ~/bear2hugo/
  • Create a new file in this directory and copy the above content into this file
  • Download the export file from Bear Blog via the menu item “Export all blog data”
  • Place the resulting file post_exports.csv together with in ~/bear2hugo/
  • Execute the script: # python3
  • It will create two new directories pages and posts
  • It will parse through CSV file and create a Mardown file for each post and page inside the corresponding directories
  • You can now copy the files into your content/ and content/blog/ directory and use them with Hugo