Building an AllStarLink Node

In this post I will briefly describe my build of an AllStarLink node. For this, I used the following parts:

  • Baofeng 888s
  • CM108 USB soundcard
  • Raspberry Pi 4 + case
  • two buck converters, configured 5V and 3,7V output voltage
  • metal enclosure
  • power poles + mounting plates
  • ethernet jack
  • Waveshare LCD1602 RGB Module

I will not go into great detail here since all modifications are described in other places. Please consult the following links:

The beginning:

Please ignore the two audio transformers. I planned to install them but went with a transformerless build in the end.

Here is the modified sound fob as described in the above link:

A first test with the RPi and the buck converters built in:

Detailed view of the back plate (antenna connector was still missing at this point in time):

The finished build: